Saturday, November 11, 2006

"New Spiderman 3 trailer" or "Sweeeeet"

The new Spiderman 3 trailer is up on IFILM.

Monday, November 06, 2006

"Zorro 2110" or "Uh..."

In pre-production
This Zorro is set in the future. According to Rotten Tomatoes, there is some dispute as to who has the rights to the Zorro franchise, but if Sobini Films has their way, you be able to see Zorro fight...with a lightsaber or something.

"Fraggle Rock - The Movie" or "Muppets in Space"

According to, Frank Zappa's son, Ahmet Zappa, is in the process of writing a big-screen version of Fraggle Rock. Currently it is in early production and is supposed to be set in outer space.

Monday, October 30, 2006

"Charlotte's Web" or "How to ruin a classic"

Ok, so this might not totally suck, but it looks like they took a good story...a children's classic even, and decided that it needed some slapstick. Bitter, nah. Just wish they could make an animated film without turning it the Three Stooges or a Robin Williams spaz attack. Yeah, kids like fart jokes and directors like to make 3 hour movies...but I wish they could just stick to what is a nice story without feeling the need to hit the audience with a joke every 30 seconds.

See the trailer here: Charlotte's Web

Saturday, October 28, 2006

The Prestige

Referring to the third part of a magic trick, this film take you through a rivalry between magicians.
I really enjoyed this film. There is a moment about half way through the film that demands that you work very hard to suspend disbelief, but it is worth it. The Prestige has multiple surprises, so even when you clue into what is going on, there is still more left in store for you. If nothing else you get to see David Bowie as Nikola Tesla.

See the trailer here: The Prestige

Friday, October 27, 2006

"Van Wilder 2" or "Van Kal Penn"

They've made a new Van Wilder, but managed to not have Van Wilder (Ryan Reynolds) in it. Kal Penn is the whole show this time.

View the trailer here:
Van Wilder 2: The Rise of Taj

Thursday, October 26, 2006

"Borat" or "A film not to take your mom to go see"

So I had no interest in seeing this movie, but I was sent a free moviepass to watch it...which I forgot about.

Then I was sent two more.

So last night, against my better judgment I went to go see what I was pretty certain would be a mean-spirited gross-out movie. I was not disappointed.

I will admit I laughed, but in about equal proportion to the number of times I cringed. There were only one or two somewhatclever moments but they were completely overwhelmed by humor that relied almost entirely on absurdity, awkwardness, and humiliation.

I would not recommend seeing this. You will laugh, but you'll feel dirty while doing it.


"Films Daily" or "What the heck is this site about?"

I'm a big fan of film. Anything from action to drama to artsy fartsy intrigues me. In this blog I will do my best to keep you up to date on new films coming out, review films I see, and post information about any sneak previews that I come across. I currently receive a number of preview passes from time to time so hopefully most of my reviews will be for films that have yet to be fully released.
